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Parole: Can You Miss a Call From Your Parole Officer?

Parole: Can You Miss a Call From Your Parole Officer?

A septuagenarian named Gwen Levi attended her computer class like always when she received a call from her parole officer. The class does not allow students to have their cellphones so Levi missed the call. Because she missed the call, Levi was sent back to prison to finish her 24 year sentance. While her parole office rat the Volunteers of America Chesapeake denies the claim that Levi missed the call by accident, her defense maintains that Levi was simply following the rules.

So, can missing a call from your parole officer put you back behind bars?

Parole Violations

Typically, the court will include parole in the sentencing and decide the terms and conditions for the defendant’s parole. Once the court approves release, the defendant may return to their home or an approved housing program as long as they abide by the rules.

The rules depend on the crime. For example, someone accused of armed robbery may not be allowed to be within a certain distance of a weapon. Similarly, those convicted of a DUI are not permitted to drive for a short period or indefinitely.

In some cases, a parole board decides whether someone who is already serving a sentence can be released on parole. To qualify, the convicted person must attend a parole hearing where they will plead their case. The board will either approve or deny their right to parole based on this testimony. Some people may be up for parole more than once, but it’s important to note that parole hearings are an opportunity.

For Gwen Levi, she had served a portion of her sentence and was approved for parole based on good behavior. The parole board decided that she had been successfully rehabilitated and released her with the understanding that she would report to her parole officer (PO) on a regular basis.

Because the PO claims she willfully chose to ignore the calls, she was in violation of her parole agreement.

Levi's Defense

Her attorney, Sapna Mirchandani strongly believes that Levi did rehabilitate herself and was actively trying to advance her skills by taking the computer class. The attorney states that the PO should have contacted the class to confirm Levi’s attendance instead of accusing her of violating parole.

Levi’s case is an extreme example, but many parole officers would agree that she violated parole by not picking up the phone. If you are up for a parole hearing, have been accused of a crime, or are on parole and facing similar charges to Levi, you must contact a legal professional.

A Strong Foundation For Your Future

The team at the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC has extensive trial experience with a variety of criminal cases. We understand how devastating criminal convictions can be, so we fight tirelessly for our clients from the very beginning of their case to the trial and resolution. Our team of fearless advocates can fight for your freedom every step of the way.

Contact our firm for more information.


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