In South Carolina there are generally two ways to be placed on the sex
offender registry. One is to be convicted of an offense that requires
registration. Examples would include
lewd act on a minor or criminal sexual conduct. The other option is to be convicted of any
other offense and have the Court make a special finding that registration
is required.
Kidnapping in South Carolina works different than either one of these
examples. One convicted of kidnapping in South Carolina, either by plea
or after a trial, is placed on the registry by default. However unlike
mandatory registration offenses the Court has the option of finding that
the defendant does not have to register.
Frequently those being release of kidnapping offenses are surprised to
find out from their supervision officer that they are required to register
as a sex offender. If the original offense was not sexually motivated
there is a way to obtain removal from the registry.
I am able to assist anyone placed on the sex offender registry for a kidnapping
conviction anywhere in South Carolina. If this applies to your situation
you are invited to contact my office at

Kidnapping and the South Carolina Sex Offender Registry
James Snell