Newberry County Criminal Lawyer
We represent clients charged with offenses in Newberry County. This includes:
- Newberry
- Prosperity
- Whitmire
Although our office is located in Lexington, an adjoining county, we continuously represent clients in this area.
Newberry General Sessions
Newberry is part of the Eighth Judicial Circuit. This includes the counties of Abbeville, Laurens, Greenwood and Newberry County (we represent clients in each of these counties). The elected Solicitor is David Stumbo. All cases referred to General Sessions are serious, and most are felonies. This includes offenses such as:
- DV 2nd Degree
- DUI 2nd Offense
- Leaving the Scene \ Hit & Run
- Child Molestation
- Murder
- Armed Robbery
- Burglary
- Drug Possession
- Drug Trafficking
Defendants charged with cases in General Sessions need to make sure to keep up with all mandatory appearance dates. If a court date is missed it will result in a bench warrant.
Newberry DUI Defense
There are a significant number of DUI arrests in and around Newberry County. We’re able to help our clients seek reductions or outright dismissals in these cases. For the most part, cases are prosecuted by the arresting officers. This means that when it’s time for court, the officer who made the original decision to arrest you is the one that holds the responsibility to represent the government in all court proceedings. This holds true for Highway Patrol arrests, as well as cases made by Prosperity and in Whitmire.
Free Consultations
We offer free consultations in our Lexington Office for defendants charged with pending offenses in and around Newberry County. To schedule your appointment call (803) 359-3301.

Making Sure Our Clients Stay Informed
Know What To ExpectKnowledge is power. Get the facts related to the criminal process you currently face.
Surviving The InvestigationIf you are under investigation, our firm can aggressively protect your rights.
Parents & GrandparentsJuvenile charges can still be quite serious. Take advantage of our skills and resources to fight back.