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Should I Give a Recorded Statement?

James Snell

Let’s say you were in a car accident and it was the other driver’s fault. Soon after, you receive a call from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. The insurance adjuster says he’s trying to help you with your claim and all he needs to get started is a recorded statement from you. You want to get the ball rolling, so your first instinct is to say “yes,” but is this the right thing to do?

In a word – no. You should never give a recorded statement without an attorney’s guidance and legal advice. Insurance companies are for-profit companies and their #1 priority is their bottom line. No insurance adjuster ever received a raise, a promotion, or even a pat on the back for offering a high payout or settlement. It’s the exact opposite.

The Insurance Company’s Motivation

Insurance companies are motivated to settle insurance claims for as little as possible, period. One of the ways they accomplish this is by getting recorded statements from plaintiffs (injured parties). When a plaintiff gives a recorded statement, it can later be compared to the deposition or statements at trial to discredit the plaintiff.

The plaintiff isn’t trying to give conflicting statements, but it’s not uncommon for facts and details to be a little vague weeks or months after an accident. The problem is that insurance companies know this, so they’ll try to find conflicting statements to make the plaintiff look like they’re dishonest or confused.

Not only that, but insurance adjusters can ask leading or misleading questions, which can confuse the plaintiff during the recorded interview. The insurance company’s intention is to use the recorded statement as a sort of tool or weapon to reduce if not deny the claim altogether.

The bottom line? You should never give a recorded statement to an insurance company without a lawyer’s advice. Otherwise, you could inadvertently say something that could hurt your case. To protect yourself during the claims process, contact a Columbia personal injury lawyer from our firm!