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Can I File a Claim Against My Own Homeowner's Insurance?


We buy all sort of insurance – car insurance, life insurance, health insurance, and homeowner’s insurance, and there are different rules for each type regarding when and how we can file claims. That brings us to homeowner’s insurance – can homeowner’s file claims against their own homeowner’s insurance? We’ll answer that momentarily, but first let’s take a look at why people would want to know this.

People get hurt on their own properties all the time. For example, a man can fall off of his own roof, or a child can hit her head when jumping in the backyard swimming pool. An elderly man can fall down his stairs, while another homeowner can cut themselves badly on a rusty backyard gate. Really, the possibilities are endless.

Can we file claims against our own homeowner’s insurance, much like we would if we were involved in a single vehicle car accident? It depends.

Filing a Claim Against Your Policy

It all comes down to your homeowner’s insurance policy and its terms. Does it have exclusions saying you can’t file a claim for your own bodily injuries? Some policies do, some policies don’t. In many cases, the policy makes it impossible for the homeowner to sue themselves.

If a homeowner sustained an injury on their own property that was due to someone else’s negligence, they may be able to file a claim against that person or entity. For example, if a defective pool drain sucked in a swimmer’s hair, causing the swimmer to drown, there may be a claim against the drain’s manufacturer. Or, if a contractor installed a new hand railing and it collapsed, causing the homeowner to fall down a flight of stairs, the homeowner may be able to sue the contractor.

It’s about having the RIGHT homeowner’s insurance policy. If yours does not have exclusions against covering you and you are covered, the insurance company would first look to your health insurance to cover your medical bills. If you were seriously injured and have a long recovery ahead, you may have a claim against your own policy, so it’s worth checking out.

Related: Filing a Claim Against Homeowner’s Insurance

To find out if you have a claim for compensation against your own homeowner’s insurance or another party, contact our Columbia, SC personal injury firm today.