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What is the Most Dangerous Time of Day to Drive?


“What is the most dangerous time to drive?” A lot of people would say in the morning during their commute or around 5:00 PM when everybody is driving home from work. Sure, rush hour certainly seems like the most dangerous time to drive, but guess what? It isn’t. The most dangerous time to drive is in the evening when it’s dark out.

If you’re like a lot of people, the idea of night being the most dangerous time to drive may sound unbelievable. After all, at night, there’s usually less cars on the road, so wouldn’t that translate into a lower risk of being in a crash? Well, according to the National Safety Council, the most dangerous time to drive is at night and there are very good reasons why.

Why is Night Driving More Dangerous?

What’s so bad about driving at night? It’s cooler. There are fewer pedestrians and fewer drivers. Fewer bicyclists on the road. A lot of people are already home watching Netflix, so what is it about the night that’s so dangerous?

The National Safety Council says, “Shorter days, fatigue, compromised night vision, rush hour and impaired drivers are some of the risks we face when driving at night. These risks become especially pronounced moving into the weekend, with fatal crashes peaking on Saturday nights, according to NSC analysis of NHTSA data.”

What can you do as a driver to combat the dark?

  • Turn the light down on your dashboard
  • When a car approaches you, look away from its lights
  • If you have to wear glasses, make sure you wear a pair that is anti-reflective
  • Keep your windshield clean
  • Drive slower to compensate for limited visibility
  • Avoid following cars too closely (this improves stopping time)
  • If you have compromised night vision, avoid driving in the dark
  • Do not drive through the night or while fatigued as this increases the chances of falling asleep at the wheel

Were you in an accident during the nighttime hours? If so, contact our firm to file a car accident claim. Call today to set up your free case evaluation.
