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Drug Court in SC


Unfortunately, many people who are dealing with substance abuse and addiction end up facing serious criminal charges for a wide range of drug crimes, especially drug possession. However, criminal courts throughout South Carolina understand that these individuals who benefit more from treatment, rehabilitation, and counseling, rather than serve time behind bars, pay costly fines, and get a permanent mark on their criminal record. 

Drug Court offers non-violent offenders with serious drug addictions intensive treatment and supervision. While the program will deny individuals suspected of drug sale or distribution, it will accept addicts who deal drugs to support their own habit. 

In general, if a defendant graduates or otherwise successfully completes the program, their charges will be dismissed, or their probation reduced or ended. Furthermore, the defendant may also seek expungement of their criminal record. 

Drug Court in South Carolina has the following three tracks: 

  • Diversion – Defendants will have their cases postponed in the Court of General Sessions until they successfully complete the program. Failure to complete the program will result in prosecution. 

  • Post Plea – Defendants will plead guilty with the Solicitor’s recommendation of Drug Court (while on probation). Failure to complete the program will result in an active prison sentence. 

  • Probation Violations – Defendants who violate probation enter Drug Court on their probation agent and administrative hearing officer’s recommendations. Failure to complete the program will result in an active prison sentence. 

Eligible defendants may contact the Adult Drug Court Treatment Program office to start to the process. Referrals can be made by the defendants’ family members, private attorneys, public defenders, arresting officers, and the defendants themselves. The Drug Court Directory, treatment provider, and the assigned assistant solicitor will conduct a rigorous screening process to vet defendants. 

There are three phases of the program, which consist of Drug Court, treatment groups, self-help meetings, and random drug testing. The program itself lasts between 12 and 18 months. 

If you have been arrested for a drug crime in Lexington or Columbia, contact the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC today at (803) 359-3301 for a free initial consultation. Serving clients throughout South Carolina since 2004. 
