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Is Mental Illness a Defense in Criminal Cases?

Is Mental Illness a Defense in Criminal Cases?

Holding individuals accountable for their actions is an essential pillar stone of the U.S. legal system and a nonnegotiable step to maintain American democracy. However, while it’s important to take personal responsibility for any wrongdoing or harm we may cause, intentionally or otherwise, there are circumstances where the individual in question can be unaware of the wrongdoing or even lack awareness of their actions.

As you can imagine, this topic has long been controversial in criminal law, particularly when defending the accused. In this blog, we'll explore the possibility of mental illness as a defense in criminal cases and review key details about the "insanity" defense in South Carolina.

Understanding the Insanity Defense in SC

The insanity defense is a common legal strategy used by criminal defense attorneys in South Carolina. It argues that the defendant cannot be held criminally responsible for their actions due to their mental state when the crime was committed, advocating that the defendant lacked the capacity to understand the nature and consequences of their actions or conform to lawful behavior.

In South Carolina, this defense is based on the M’Naghten Rule, which determines insanity by assessing whether the accused understood the nature and quality of their actions or knew that their actions were wrong at the time of the offense. In arguing that they were mentally incapacitated during the commission of the alleged crime, defendants can mitigate or completely absolve the defendant of criminal responsibility, potentially leading to an acquittal or a reduction in charges.

When Is the Insanity Defense Appropriate?

The appropriateness of the insanity defense largely depends on the specific circumstances of each case. It’s imperative to consult with a trusted criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible when facing any criminal charge, as they can review the legal options available to you and assess the unique dynamics of your case to determine an effective defense strategy to employ.

Generally, the insanity defense is appropriate when the defense can prove that the accused was significantly impaired by a mental illness, robbing them of the ability to understand their actions or control their behavior under the law. In South Carolina, criminal courts can take a range of factors into account when considering an insanity defense, such as:

  • The severity and duration of the mental illness
  • The impact of the illness on the defendant’s state of mind when they committed the crime
  • Testimonies from witnesses and relevant experts, such as psychologists or psychiatrists

Keep in mind that the insanity defense isn’t an excuse for criminal behavior, but a recognition of the defendant’s diminished mental capacity.

Types of Mental Illnesses Under the Insanity Defense

There is a variety of mental illnesses that can be effectively included in an insanity defense strategy, such as:

  • Schizophrenia: A severe mental disorder characterized by distorted thinking, hallucinations, and delusions.
  • Bipolar Disorder: A condition marked by extreme mood swings, alternating between manic and depressive episodes.
  • Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID): A disorder where an individual experiences multiple distinct personalities or identities.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A condition resulting from experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, leading to distressing symptoms.
  • Major Depressive Disorder: A mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest.
  • Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): A condition characterized by unstable moods, self-image, and relationships, often leading to impulsive actions.

Remember, the specific mental illness must have substantially impaired the defendant's cognitive abilities or volitional control at the time of the offense for it to be considered valid for an insanity defense.

Burden of Proof

In a criminal case, the burden of proof rests with the prosecution. However, when asserting the insanity defense, the burden of proving insanity falls on the defendant. The defendant must provide clear and convincing evidence of their mental illness and its impact on their actions.

Competency to Stand Trial

Before an insanity defense can be considered, the defendant must be deemed competent to stand trial. This is especially crucial when the accused opts to use an insanity defense. Under South Carolina law, “competency” is the defendant's ability to understand the legal proceedings and assist in their defense. If deemed incompetent, the trial may be delayed until the defendant can participate in their defense.

Defending the Accused in Lexington Since 2004

In South Carolina, the insanity defense can be complex and challenging to employ effectively in criminal court. That’s where our firm comes in. At the Law Office of James R. Snell, Jr., LLC, we have extensive experience representing the accused in a wide range of criminal cases, from domestic violence allegations to DUI defense.

With the help of a skilled and experienced defense lawyer, individuals suffering from mental illnesses can fortify their claims with relevant evidence and present a compelling case to the court. Don’t throw away your future after one mistake. Reach out to our office today to learn how we can fight to restore your freedom and defend your hard-earned reputation in Lexington.

Our firm can fight for the second chance you deserve after being charged with a crime. Call (803) 359-3301 to schedule a free consultation.